Showing posts with label Pc Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pc Tips. Show all posts

Monday, 14 April 2014

How to Get a SMS Alert When You Receive an Email ?

Get a SMS Alert When You a Receive an Email
Although Google offers SMS Alerts on some of their services, they still don’t give such kind of service for Gmail, may be due to high usage.Anyway now we don’t need that service from Google, we can do it ourselves just by following simple steps.Please note that this service works only with Gmail and was officially found by Romain Vialard.
  • This service can be customized to get SMS  for every email you receive or only for emails you receive from special people
  • This works in simple way that When ever you a get an email, it goes as a reminder to Google Calender, and then you receive a SMS as Reminder Alert from Google Calender
  • This method was officially found by Romain Vialard and On HAX modified this with few improvements
  • There are also some other services like this are available on the Internet, but you have to pay for it.And now this one is free !
How to Do ?
  1. Login to Gmail
  2. Click on the Gears icon on the top right and select Settings
  3. Go to Labels tab
  4. Scroll down and click Create new label
  5. Give label name as onhaxsms and click create. (Do not change the name ‘onhaxsms’ as it is connected to a script )
  6. Now click on filter tab
  7. Click Create a new filter
  8. If you want to get SMS Alerts for every email you receive type is:inbox in ‘has the words field’. and if you want to get SMS Alerts only for email from special people type those emails in the ‘from’ field (divide by commas)
  9. Now Click Create filter with this search
  10. Now check Apply the label and select onhaxsms from the drop down
  11. Finally click create filter
  12. Login to Google Docs
  13. Click here to make copy of the spreadsheet. Click Yes, make a copy
  14. Now select Tools > Script Editor. Then Resources > Current project’s triggers
  15.  Select Add a new trigger. Under events select Time-Driven then minutes timer and every minute and save it
  16. Click Authorize and then Accept.
  17. Go to Google Calendar
  18. Click on the Gears icon on the top right and select Settings
  19. Click on Mobile Setup tab
  20. Now Connect your mobile number to the Google Calendar account following the steps given there
  21. That’s it,now you will receive a free SMS Alerts for your selected upcoming emails !
How to Stop SMS Alerts ?
  1. Go to Google Drive
  2. Click on Copy of Get SMS Alert – On HAX
  3. Wait few minutes after loading the document
  4. You will find a menu called ‘Gmail SMS Alerts – On HAX’
  5. Click there and select Stop SMS Alerts
  6. Click Authorize and then Accept.
  7. That’s it.You will not receive Gmail SMS Alerts anymore

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Monday, 3 March 2014

Get free facebook likes

How to get facebook likes....
Step 1- Create a fan page

Step 2- Got to

Step 3- Sign up and confirm your email

Step 4- On the left side of the page there should
be a green button that says add page go there

Step 5- Now you will have to fill this out
in the type box make sure its on FB Page for the
Title Box put "Like it up" then for Page url box
go to your page and copy your url then the last box
for CPC put 9 or 10. now click save changes.

Step 6- On the left side you should see a tab that
say "Free Points" click on that and start collecting
and you will get likes

Step 7- Enjoy and please say Thank you.
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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

install xp faster



How to install windows xp faster :

In this post I will tell you about installation of win XP in minimum time period. Normally when someone tries to install windows XP on computer, it takes around 30-40 min to complete entire setup. It is too much time to install windows setup. I will tell you a method to install windows more faster. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete windows installation. So to install win XP in short time please follow these steps.

Power on your computer and start with bootable windows XP cd
In first step window will load installation files.
Select any drive ( C: ) for installation.
Select NTFS to format the partition.
Setup will copy files on this drive and it will try to restart PC.
After restarting when you see Xp logo, press (Shift+F10).
It will open (CMD) prompt.
In CMD prompt type (Taskmgr)
It will open task manager. Now go to “process” tab and find “Setup exe” Right click on setup.exe and select “Set priority”
You will see a submenu. Here priority will be normal. Select priority to (High) or above (Normal).

This will complete installation process much faster than the normal original time.
Try it….......

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Friday, 27 December 2013

how to open blocked site without any software

In pakistan youtube and other sites have blocked by Government PTA, Some students want to study online with youtube sharing videos by their professors and some those students who are poor and not pay much feeses were watched these videos to gain knowledge. Therefore most of the people still use youtube in pakistan with Hotspot Shield, Spotflux, hidemyass etc..., But today i will teach you a method to access and open blocked sites without using any software like Hotspot Shield, Spotflux and so on..., With this method for opening blocked sites you have to establish a VPN connection between your computer and a VPN Server.
There are so much Free VPN Connection providers on the world wide globe, But i give you some best free VPN servers with their Host name, Usernam and Password below:

Free VPN Servers with their and Server Host, Username and Password

US Server Host:
VPN Username:
VPN Password: freevpn

UK Server Host:
VPN Username: VPN
Password: freevpn

US VPN Hostname:
US VPN Username:
US VPN Password: 1025

UK VPN Hostname:
UK VPN Username:
UK VPN Password: 1570

or you can visit for more:

1. Now let's start the step by step easy Guide >>>

I. Go to Control Panel >> Network and Sharing Center >> Set up a new connection or network
II. Now select "Connect to a workplace" and press "Next" button

Step 1
III. After this choose "Use my Internet connection (VPN)" by clicking on it

Step 2
IV. Type the Internet address to connect to:
  • Internet address: Type here Server Host address like ""
  • Destination name: Type here Server Username like ""
Step 3
Step 4
Now you have been created a Free VPN connection successfully.

2. How to Connect with Free VPN Server

I. Go to Control Panel >> Network and Sharing Center >> Change adapter settings
II. Now double click on your Free VPN Servers Network for opening it and Click on Connect

Step 5
III. Enter Username and password which are give above, But i recommend you to use first server, I mean

US Server Host:
VPN Username:
VPN Password: freevpn
Step 6
Step 7
Hope you will understand all the procedure. If you want that we will alive with our tutorials then kindly share it with your all friends and subscribe us by enter your email ID below or on Slidebar email subscription...
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Thursday, 19 December 2013

install andorid os in your pc

You don't have to be a four-eyed geek to do so, or have a masters degree in Computers Science, all you need is a little bit of free time and the ability to follow steps 1 through 10, simple as that. Oh, and don't worry about doing something illegal, because Android is based on Linux, which means that is has an open source. Tweak all you want, dig deep, play with the interface, install apps, change settings – everything that you can do on a phone or a tablet you can now do on your computer. So, let's get to the nitty-gritty, or the guide on how to install Android Jelly Bean 4.2.2 on your PC:

  • 1.Oracle VM VirtualBox - Download the latest version of here
  • 2.Android x86 4.2 Image - Download the Android 4.2 image from here
  • 1.Install VirtualBox on your PC
  • 2.Open VirtualBox and select New. In the dialog box enter the name as your wish and select
    i)Type : Linux
    ii)Version : Other Linux
    and select Next
  • 3.In the next dialog box enter the memory size as your wish
Note : Minimum 512Mb required for JellyBean
and select Next
  • 4.In the next dialog box select create a virtual hard drive now. Then select VDI and select fixed or dynamically allocated as your wish and create the virtual drive
Note : Mininimum 1 GB required for installation
  • 5.Select Virtual device and select settings, a dialog box appears. In the dialog box select
    i)Storage->Storage Tree->Empty
    ii)In the attributes section select the Android 4.2 iso file you downloaded and check Live Cd/Dvd, then click Ok
Here's how to install Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on your PC

  • 6.Then start the virtual device. In the screen select Install Android-x86 to hard disk.
Here's how to install Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on your PC

  • 7.In the next screen select Create/Modify Partition.
Here's how to install Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on your PC

  • 8.Then create a new primary bootable partition and select write. After finishing writing select quit.
Here's how to install Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on your PC

  • 9.Then install android in sda1 and select type as ext3 , choose yes for installing grub.
  • 10.After installing remove live iso from VirtualBox and reboot. Now you can boot into Android 4.2.2.
You are done.
Cheers, enjoy.....
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How to Lock/Password a Folder without using any software

Sometimes you want to hide your personal data from the others like your family pictures, Videos or any other files related to you. For keeping this hide from the others you should have a software that protect your persoanl data away from your friends eyes. Therefore in this tutorial i will give you a best trick that will protect your data with password. With this trick you can create a password protected folder. Now follow the procedure to learn this handsome trick from downloadfreehighlycompressedgamesSo if you like this trick then kindly share it with your friends and like us on facebook. Now let's start:

How to Lock/Password a Folder without using any software

1. Create a new folder named "My Data".
2. Now open a notepad and Copy the below set of code and paste it into you notepad:

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

3. Replace "type your password here" with your desire password
4. Save the notepad as Locker.bat in the "My Data" folder that we have created.
5. Double click on the file "Locker.bat"
6. A folder named "Locker" will be created there itself.
7. Move the data that you want to protect in the folder "Locker".
8. Now again Open the file "Locker.bat"
9. Then you will be asking to make the folder protected or not. Press "y" and then enter to make it password protected.
10. Then the folder "Locker" will be hidden.
11. Now you can't see the folder. For opening the folder, you have to click on Locker.bat
12. Command prompt will ask you to type the password.
13. If the password is right, you will be given access to the folder.

Hope you will get the whole procedure. Oh sorry i have forgotten to say you that Don't forget to subscribe us and like us.

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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

speedup utorrent downloads

How To Speed Up Of Utorrent

Today We Learn That "How TBoost Utorrent Speed"
Just Follow These Steps.

1st Of All You Have Need Utorrent Software 

1.Go To Preferences From Option.

 2.Click On Connection.

 3.Goto Bandwidt.


 4.Open Option And Set The Value As Shown Below.

5.Now Click on Advanced option and search for net.max_halfopen and set its value to 90.

Click On Apply And Press Ok
 Now Go On main Page of Utorrent , right click on your downloading file and select Bandwidth Allocation then High.

Now Enjoy High Speed Of Your Utorrent.

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Sunday, 3 November 2013

how to download games and software

How To Download Games And Software



Downloading Method From "ShareBlue".

Downloading Method From "HugeFiles".


Downloading Method From "DataFileHost"


Downloading Method From"ZippyShare"

 Downloading Method From"ShareBeast"

Download From "TusFiles"

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