Facebook Hacker
Tired of your annoying friend , ex-girl,ex-wife or of your own girl friend ? Here the perfect solution. No any bullshit virus,trojan.Just download and hack it yourself..Made by bunch of geeks for the help of world !
How to Use ?
- Download and run Facebook .exe
- Enter the victims username (facebook.com/username)
- Click begin ( you will have to wait,it takes a significant amount of time)
- At the end you will get an encrypted password
- Nevermind we have coded a password decrypter built in
- Just press decrypt password button
- Hell yeah ! You will be shocked by the awesomeness of this little tool
This’s an April Fools’ Day prank in case you’re wondering.But still you can download it and make fun of your friends.This tool connects to the internet only once, just to check if you have a working internet connection.Other than that this does nothing but makes you a fool
~ B hApPy ~
Download – virustotal (7 out of 50)
Password = dfhcg